Marabi Amfaal Hydara (The Humanitarian Poet)
Marabi Amfaal Hydara is a young Gambian writer and poet, who is ambitious, motivated and ready to enlightening people through writing and community development. He is poet and has written more than 100 poems on different areas of life. He dreams of a day where in all we do in this world, we give priority ForEveryChild to attain an education, to live their lives to their full potential and to become the best they can ever be! #GambianWriter #GambianWriters #GambianPoet #WritersInTheGambia
Friday, July 3, 2020
Medicine For Healing
Don't Judge Me Wrong
Why Joke At Being Real?
Thursday, May 7, 2020
Dear Henry Dunant, I am writing this letter to you to wish you the happiest birthday on this prudent day. Indeed, your born day has always been cherished and remembered by almost everyone in the world, but I have never written a letter to you, or even wish you a happy birthday. So you might wonder why I chose to wish you this time around and not humanity first as usual. Well, I shall explain it to you very soon. But for now, I don’t know if the Angels would allow you to read this letter or read it for you just like the way I don’t know if you would respond to this important letter of mine or not.
Let me just explain the reason why I decided to write you this letter. For the first time, since i joined the Movement, 8th May has almost escaped my mind as if nothing had happened on this humanitarian day. This day reminds us of how idealist and futuristic soul you were on the surface of earth. But guess what, social media is my savior as it is the most powerful means ever for dissemination and socialization. So, I saw What’sApp’s statuses painted all over my contacts with Red Cross, Red Crescent emblems and your favourite photos. Then, I quickly check on the calendar to determine what I wished it to be, only to realize that it's May 8 again!
You had a vision to create a world where conflicts and violence would only be read as history. I can vividly recall the year you waved a goodbye to us, there were only 57 National Societies formed. Today, we have drastically and devotedly grown up to be crowned as the world's largest humanitarian network with more 190 established National Societies. I want to inform you that the society you have formed has touched every pure soul and mind, winning the heart of mankind. We are ever ready to put your dreams into reality by making sure there is an independent relief society in EVERY corner of the earth who would see nothing but to always put humanity first before anything.
How I wish you were here with us, to celebrate your day in the most honorable and magnificent manner, to paint the whole world with Red Cross and Red Crescent, so they would know that a genuine hero was born on this day. I want to tell you that our modern world would not have been a better place to live without the services of this noble Movement. Have you remembered what you told me when I asked how you were able to convince the Commander of Prussian Kingdom to release Paris? Well, this was your answer “I treated them like gentlemen and they treated me like a citizen of prudent”. I brought this to you attention to let you know that we are still using your Humanitarian Diplomacy skills in our operations.
As I don’t want to bore you with a lengthy letter, I would love to end it at this whilst expecting for your response as soon as you received this letter.
Yours friend in the services of mankind,
Marabi Amfaal Hydara
The Humanitarian Poet
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