Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Historical Drama of GRCS Youth Assembly 2019


The Youth Assembly is a constitutional mandate in the General Statuses (Supreme Document) of the Gambia Red Cross Society,  which shall be held once in every 3 years. The Assembly reviews Youth Policies, Elects National Youth Chairpersons and confirms the 7 Area Youth Representatives who were elected in their various Branch Assemblies.
As the highest decision making body of all the youths within the GRCS, it represents the interests of the youths at the highest level.

According to the program guide of the Assembly, the Opening Ceremony will start at 9am, but it was, as it is usually, the biggest disease of Gambians is respecting scheduled time. Even the accommodated delegates in the Hotel of Paradise could not wake up on time, perhaps, it was the comfort of the Paradise Suites.

The opening ceremony was well done and as well the reviewing of the youth policies. Funnily, i could hear some delegates saying that "A very good grammer in these documents,  they're well written,  but.........the implementation policy is poor,  because these misconducts happen and no measures have been taken."

Red Cross might not be known for high polotical eletion, but no election is small,  and the Youth Assembly was indeed a bitter experience for the IEC.

The IEC gave a brief report of the Branch Assemblies and these are the main points:
They have qualified and disqualified candidates almost in all the branches due to their criteria they set aside for eligibility of candidacy.
All branches had observed election/selection except LRR
The IEC read the rules governing the entire election and the bitter work starts for who is qualified or disqualified by the IEC:

For the position of the National Youth Chairperson, we have two candidates in the name of Bubacarr Singhateh and Lamin Jawneh.
Mr. Bah, IEC Chairman: we have disqualified Bubacarr Singhateh for nominating himself in the nomination list (20) which has never happened anywhere in the world. Have you ever conducted or witnessed a candidate nominating himself.

Bubacarr Singhateh: i have confidence in myself and that's why i nominated myself.

Youth Rep., WCR: Mr. Chairman,  you didn't specify as to whether the candidates can nominate themselves or not, you just said, 20 nominations from the branch,  and he is a member of the branch. You should have cleared that point as you have cleared that,  "4 delegates will represent each branch,  of whom one should be the elected Area Youth Rep.

Mr. Bah was not really interested in that debate so he proceeded to another candidate.
Mr. Bah: "We have also disqualified Momodou Alieu Jallow, who is vying for the position of Assistant Youth Chairperson, because he did not meet the critera".

Episode 2 loading....
[11/23, 16:15] Marabi Amfaal Hydara: *Episode 2*

When this announcement was made, most of the delegates, including myself, were murmuring with one voice, "EEEEH! MR. chairman,  which criteria?"
I could hear a voice from the Observers, who have completely forgotten their status in the assebmly due to the chaotic moment which was about to strike, the person said,  "I don't this IEC have done their homework well".

Again, the IEC Chairman was not interested and proceeded with a decision that created more room for the historical drama.
Mr. Bah: "Mr. Ismaila Sonko have met all our criteria and therefore he is duly elected unopposed as the Assistant Deputy Youth Chairperson. Is Mr. Sonko in attendance as election in absentia is not allowed in any election" Ismaila stood up to be seen by the Chairman. Since most of the delegates except NBR and other unidentified delegates know the status of Ismaila in the assembly, so everyone was waiting on the decision of the IEC.

Mr. Bah: "Mr. Sonko, you can come out and tell this assembly what you have for them."
As soon as Ismaila Sonko was given the Mic after being confirmed by the IEC, distraction was coming from everywhere. Then, i don't know who informed the IEC that, Ismaila is not an Official Delegate.
The Chairman beat into the Mic africanly to get the delegates attention. Then,  he said: "We have received something here that Ismaila Sonko is not a delegate, but we have to confirm from the list GRCS gave us first".

 *If you want to know What is going to be the reactions of the delegates, watch out for episode 3...*
[11/23, 22:08] Marabi Amfaal Hydara: *Episode 3
As the list of delegates is brought before the IEC, let us see what would be their decision if Ismaila's name is not found in the list*

The VMC gave the list to Mr. Bah and he started calling the name of the delegates in the list they have. He start with Banjul and ended with URR and he didn't mention and we did hear any name called "Ismaila Sonko".
So, the IEC had to withdrawn their previous statement of comfirming Ismaila Sonko.

 the Chairman said, " we are independent in what we do" and this statement was not well cherished by one female delegate, who replied instantly to Mr. Bah's statement and said,
"You are not independent,  because if you were independent,  yoy wouldn't have confirmed a candidate and reject him at the same time. In fact, you should interviewed all the candidates and let them who is qualified and who is not qualified, but you cannot wait for people to come here with the mentality that they are qualified and you disqualified them".

Mr. Bah: "The criteria was sent to all branches and it is stipulated their that, if you have any question, you can inquire from the IEC."
Another delegate stood confidently and was given the mic to speak.
Delegate: " Mr. Chairman,  are we hear to elect our leaders or we're here for you to select them for us".
Mr. Bah: "You elected me during the last General Assembly to serve as the Chairman of the IEC. So, this assembly is yours and you are going to elect your leaders".

Abdoulie Njie: " You cannot come here and select our leaders for us. i dont even mind to match out of this assembly and when i reach to my region, i will tell them that,  i didn't represent you well, because there was no assembly."

 *Episode 4 coming in the next hour*
[11/23, 22:09] Marabi Amfaal Hydara: *Episode 4*

As the tention of the drama was getting even higher, i was personally trying to find out whether the IEC's Chairs have some similarities with that of the Witness' hot chair at the TRRC. I came to realised that, they have some similarities and i said to myself, "ahhh, this must have been the case yyyy". The organisers did not put that into consideration.

At this stage, all delegates had memorised the Section that talks about election in the General Statuses even though others had created their own versions of it and i tried to give a deaf ears to those versions, because i didn't want to take part in the drama. i was waiting to hear from the chairman on what criteria they disqualified Momodou Alieu Jallow but it never came out. So, i raised up my hand together with Alieu Faburay to ask the same question but we weren't given the platform to talk as the situation was in high temperature, even the A.C was no longer useful to calm the situation.

While all these things was happening, the SG, Alasana Senghore, was seated behind laughing and enjoying the drama, when our temperature was above normal. Fortunately, he intervened as the Henry Dunant of our battle and cooled down the temperature back to normal. Then, the Chairman,  suspended the session for 10 minutes, while they have some discussions amongst themselves.

 *Hmmmmm. What would be the results of the IEC's discussion with the SG?
The answer is, i don't know, but episode 5 will surely answer it for us.*
[11/23, 22:09] Marabi Amfaal Hydara: *Episode 5*

Now, that, the break is finished and we are all back to our original places and with the hope that the IEC will have solutions to this problem.
Surprisingly,  the IEC gave a statement which for them was the best, but for me,  was the worst.
Mr. Bah: "What is your suggestion/recommendation on what to do to solve this problem?"
And again, i raised up my hand followed by almost every delegate and i said to myself we're not departing here anytime soon.
Edrisa Manager, VMC,  came and said he has an announcement which is "for those delegates that are accommoded in the hotel and are here to attend the Youth Assembly, will now spend the night and sign out tomorrow after the breakfast".

When i was given the mic to recommend what i think could be the possible solution,  i said" My recommendation in this situation is, as far as the General Statuses is one of the most important documents of GRCS, we need to respest it at all the time. However, lets look into it thouroghly, and if there's no Article which is inline with what the IEC used to disqualified these candidates, then we should approve their candidature but if there's an Article which is inline with the IEC provisions, then we should disqualify that particular candidate. "
I gave the Mic to Alieu Faburay, who was more specific on what i was .
"We can compromise with the issue of Parraw and Bamba, but it is very clear that,  Ismaila Sonko is not a delegate and therefore he should be disqualified"

The assembly continued to create more historical drama. As democratic as it was, age and status were no longer considered in the assembly. Words were not willing to be polished before being published. When one delegate lights up fire another one will add more fuel to it.
The mic was democatically going round from one delegate to another, until it reached Abdoulie Bah, who fuelled the fire in a different manner when he said: "Am very much disappointed that we cannot come into terms and some of you dont even understant English language". This statement really hurts other delegates and they have to ask him to withdraw the statement.
A Delegate: tell them that you're sorry.
Abdoulie Bah: "i will never say it, because am not sorry."

 *Lets see how will this arguments end in episode 6.*
[11/23, 23:08] Marabi Amfaal Hydara: *Episode 6*

         *THE SOLUTION*

This was not received well by Ismaila, who was later given the mic to speak after so many trials and this is what he has to say :"There is no where in the Statuses which talks about candidates that are not part of the delegates of the branch. I have met all the criteria to contest for this position and if anybody here says that am not eligible, that person must be ignorant of the Statuses. And the current Acting President, Jatto Sillah, didn't come as a delegate when he was elected in 2016 General Assembly"
This statement was a shock to my heart.

Mr. Bah: "that was 2016 and i was not part of that IEC, so don't even think that we're going to apply that thing here".

Ismaila: "Mr. Chairman, if am disqualified i will feel that am not being treated fairly because i have met all the criteria."

There comes the unwanted dramatic and chaotic moment and in our minds, we all know that there is still no solution. I said in my mind that "Chairman,  i told you dehhh...this will never bring solution to this problem..

As the tention was in high gear as never before, the SG and the IEC had some murmuring discussions on the wayforward. After few mainutes, the IEC Chairman,  Mr. Bah, gave 2 options, which were the only solution to the problem, but the each of them will never favour all parties in anyways.
So these are the option provided by the Chairman:
1. Nomination to be open and implememted in the old red cross tradion way of nominating a candidate and this nomination will only be done for the position of the Deputy Youth Chairperson as we already have a successful candidate for the Youth Chairperson.
2. We call off this election and organise extra ordinary assembly where we will use your own rules to elect your leaders.

After exchanging words for a while, the Chairman opened the platform to vote for either option 1 or 2.

At the end of the voting, this was the results:
Option 1: 12 votes.
Option 2: 20 votes.
The assembly was adjourned and the flow was given to Njogou Jeng, the outgoing Youth Chairperson,  who came to the assembly with the mentality of handing over, but unfortunately, the historical drama made that not to happen that night.

Some of us left the assembly ground as soon as an announcement was made to call of the election and other comments done by the SG, Acting President and Youth Chairperson.
We were no longer interested in further discussions on this memorable night. I hope this will be written in our history 😀😀.
I wish i had the memory to memorise everything that was said in the assembly, but this is all i can recall and i thank you all for keeping you posted about what had transpired in the Youth Assembly.

©Marabi Amfaal Hydara

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