Be aware of a deadly disease called lead
It's in every where within the country as I speak
The one that won a seat in the top ten diseases categories by WHO
It is harmful to children, especially six years and under
For pregnant women it can cost your child's life, premature or miscarriage
You may want to know what causes it and I will tell you
It's that paint we use for decorating our homes
For some their vehicles
And for children their toys
This is something we think
We can't live without and enjoy
Not all paints have its ingredients
But every store in this country sells it
Whether they know it or not is the fact
When buying paints for houses and vehicles decoration ask
For the one that is free from lead
Especially the oil yellow and orange
They're the highest leaded paints and you never know that
It can kill but gradually
I search around some more
When I come across a #2 pencil Feeling this is a major score
I use the end with the erasure
Don't want to break the lead off in my head
Everyone knows lead poisoning makes you stupid
And I am way far away from that!
Research done by Young Volunteer for Environment
Has shown that it is a big
Contributing factor to the stupidity of our children's brains
Not performing well in class
Scoring bad grades many times
Producing awful results
For all these years
Buy the following paints if you would take my advice
Water, plastic and free leaded paints
To prevent yourself, your children and pregnant women
From this unknown disease that is irreversible and it kills
©Marabi Amfaal Hydara
The Humanitarian Poet
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