Monday, April 29, 2019



As I step my first leg in Grade 12 race,
My thoughts begin to focus more on WASSCE
As it get closer and closer each day
Confused I become on the way
I’m I well prepared to avoid dismay?
Would exams be in May?
Or would it will be as early as April?
Cuz I spent my Grade 10 trying to settle down
For some of my subjects are new in town
In Grade 11, the syllabus goes on to frown
I’m constrained with time and need this crown
I’ve missed my contact hours due to countless breaks
I need to burn the midnight candle to catch up with time
I can’t attend the extra classes cuz can’t afford the dime
But I believe with determination, 
I can reach my destination
I must tie my belt and desist procrastination
Until then, I must study harder to be part of the celebration 
With distinctions to raise the flag of my nation
And this I must do to pass my WASSCE examination

©Marabi Amfaal Hydara
The Humanitarian Poet 

Saturday, April 27, 2019

When Red Cross Was A Humanitarian Organisation

When Red Cross Was A Humanitarian Organisation
Her father was so visionary
Her children were so caring
Her services were so sharing
Her voice was so mandatory

When Red Cross Was A Humanitarian Organisation
Her mission was to alleviate human suffering
Her vision was to maintain peace
Her motto was to care for the vulnerable
Her promised was to serve humanity

When Red Cross Was A Humanitarian Organisation
Her soul birth was clear
Her soul kindness was near
Her soul structures were abiding
Her targets were outreaching

When Red Cross Was A Humanitarian Organisation
Her fundamental principles were valued
Her emblems were respected
Her images were protected
Her protocols were followed

When Red Cross Was A Humanitarian Organisation
She discouraged Battlefields
She neither encouraged nor discouraged migration
She provided for all without their differences
She answered to calls in every instances

When Red Cross Was A Humanitarian Organisation
Her inclusive relieve
Was never Arabs belief
"Nuhibbu Maen Yuhibbuna
Wal Bakky Laa Yuhimmuna"
"We Love Who Ever Loves Us
And The Rest Do not Concern Us"

When Red Cross Was A Humanitarian Organisation
Her planet was never worried
Her babies were never starved
Her wounded were ever cared for
Her vulnerables were ever catered for
She was everywhere for everyone

©Marabi Amfaal Hydara
The Humanitarian Poet

Thursday, April 25, 2019



If I Ruled the Red Cross,
many changes I would make
It would be required
that our Movement is understood
By everyone without excuses.

If I Ruled the Red Cross,
Every activity is scrutinised
Before they'll be organised
By the principles that are recognised
Be indictable not to be prized
To preserve my Independence from being Paralysed.

If I Ruled the Red Cross,
Nobody will misuse the emblems
No one will violate the principles
Everyone will follow the due protocols
Anything that's wrong
Shall always be wrong
No matter who does it.

If I Ruled the Red Cross,
The emblem shall be Red Cross
Never would our documents
Be printed in Black Cross
Anybody found wanting
Will have their faces crushing
In the ocean of red crossing.

If I Ruled the world,
I would require
every volunteer to love each other
as a sister or a brother
and care for those suffering
from the pains of illness
By giving my Voluntary Service
Without expecting kind gesture in reverse.

If I Ruled the world,
I would want it to be
a happier and more loving place
of lasting peace
There would be no wars,
no hurt in anyone’s life
Life would be long
and held with respect.

If I Ruled the Red Cross,
The rules of war
Shall always be a law
The Geneva Conventions
Would be respected
By every soldier as expected.

If I Ruled the Red Cross,
I would be open to criticism
Refrain from nepotism
Desist from individualism
Discourage sectionalism
And embrace unionism.

If I Ruled the Red Cross,
this is what I would require,
but sadly I do not
and my dreams are just dreams
of a place we call tranquillity
Where we preach Impartiality
Sing the song of Neutrality.

If I Ruled the Red Cross,
I would try to make tranquillity
To spread the power of Humanity
To cherish the strength of Unity
Everywhere for everyone is Universality
Into our own reality.

©Marabi Amfaal Hydara
The Humanitarian Poet


She is a liar, She is a liar,  She is a big lair,  She is a big big lair...  Pretending to be happy,  Like everything is as she desired,  Bu...